William Shakespeare in Act V of his “Macbeth” wrote:

“Life is but a walking Shadow, a poor Player That
struts and frets his Hour upon the Stage,
And then is heard no more;
It is a tall tale, told by an Idiot,
full of Sound and Fury, Signifying nothing."

If we accepted this concept, then Life loses all its meaning and we are reduced to a pathetic, sorry state where, as many do believe, we are born, we live and die without any reason, any purpose.

I completely reject this position. To me, life is not a random series of transient, overlapping, unrelated experiences, destined to be consigned to oblivion upon completion. I believe instead, life is a precious expression of a greater plan in which our time spent on earth is but a short segment of a journey which began in eternity and will continue to eternity.

Throughout history this question has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific and theological speculation. There have been a large number of differing, conflicting and diverging answers reflecting the various cultural and ideological backgrounds, clearly indicating the true complexity of the problem. In my opinion, there will never be an answer that will satisfy every one, and so it should be. In the end, each one of us must arrive at our individual position and as such apply this to the expression of our own life. For it is only by understanding our own self, can we really appreciate the true meaning of our life.

For me, one of the most eloquent, complete and comprehensive description of Life and it's purpose, is this description by Mother Teresa:

“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is a beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it!”

With this in mind, in this blog I propose to briefly deal with random aspects of life as I have experienced them along the way. It is certainly not meant to be a guide for you to follow, but rather a reference that you may use as you see fit. I will also include quotations specially selected for each subject because of their impact upon me, and for no other reason.

I welcome your comments, criticisms and suggestions and active participation.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012


Life is for the
Life with Computer

The great prophet Khalil Gibran
once said that computer problems are the bane of one’s exist.

“Life sucks and then
you die.” – Anonymous

Gibran would have frowned upon this
statement but it is the truth when you are dealing with an insurmountable obstacle.

What can be done to solve it?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum consequat auctor tempus. Morbi
hendrerit est id purus dictum in pharetra arcu sagittis. Proin nec aliquam
justo. Fusce eu nisl eu justo porttitor lobortis at nec neque. Duis neque
tortor, ullamcorper a feugiat at, pretium vulputate enim. Cras a blandit augue.
Ut non lectus dui. Vivamus porta arcu eget sapien gravida bibendum ultricies
turpis elementum. Phasellus fringilla felis vel mauris facilisis eu cursus urna
cursus. Praesent vitae enim vel est ornare ullamcorper eu ut est. Duis eget
tortor vel tellus ullamcorper sollicitudin. Nulla non purus nibh, non accumsan
ante. Sed a sapien nec lacus elementum tempor. Curabitur libero risus, iaculis
at pretium vel, pellentesque nec massa.

Phasellus quis orci turpis. Morbi
vulputate laoreet urna, id malesuada odio vestibulum eget. Cras lobortis
blandit risus vel luctus. Suspendisse turpis urna, vestibulum in semper sed,
sodales at quam. Nulla facilisi. Mauris interdum consectetur turpis at
sagittis. Praesent dignissim dignissim molestie. Curabitur in tortor ac elit
interdum facilisis at non leo. Maecenas aliquam risus sit amet ligula ornare
sit amet malesuada ipsum sodales. Aliquam ac felis risus. Aenean varius lectus
nec nunc dictum dapibus. Donec aliquet eleifend sodales.

Morbi sit amet mauris vel erat
sollicitudin fringilla. Cras libero libero, porttitor ac adipiscing vel,
tincidunt quis mauris. Duis varius, leo eget molestie tempor, felis nisi dictum
mauris, at interdum neque sem vitae massa.
Aenean porta sagittis libero, vel venenatis libero ultrices sit amet. Praesent
mattis ornare libero. Suspendisse et sagittis nisl. Fusce lacinia pellentesque
mauris, eget vestibulum nisl ullamcorper nec. Sed facilisis placerat ultrices.
Vivamus nec varius tortor. Cras hendrerit, quam ac fringilla molestie, erat
lorem imperdiet ipsum, ac dictum est nunc quis nisi. In a lectus ut ante congue
tempus in in risus. Pellentesque a erat lectus. Praesent lobortis malesuada
nunc vel porttitor. Nam
porttitor nibh accumsan tellus adipiscing sed gravida sem pharetra. Curabitur
iaculis elit sit amet nisi varius eu tempus ipsum mattis. Maecenas
sollicitudin, nulla ut vulputate feugiat, sem urna fermentum ante, ut semper
nibh tortor nec odio.

Fusce rhoncus egestas velit, a
pharetra erat laoreet non. Fusce ante tortor, vestibulum mattis ullamcorper
non, porttitor et lacus. Etiam velit magna, interdum sit amet mollis non,
molestie suscipit risus. In eu magna vitae est lacinia feugiat eu vel sem. Phasellus
eu nunc nibh, volutpat convallis erat. Vestibulum quis enim vitae justo
molestie convallis in ac magna. Sed dapibus scelerisque lacus, eu feugiat
tortor tempus a. Nulla facilisi. Nulla tristique luctus hendrerit.

Quisque rutrum congue ligula, vel elementum
orci suscipit ac. Suspendisse et molestie lorem. In dui lacus, aliquet quis
commodo eu, mattis nec neque. Ut feugiat molestie nunc quis venenatis. Sed
vulputate quam nec diam rutrum luctus id quis neque. In hac habitasse platea
dictumst. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Vestibulum in dui nibh. Aenean rutrum augue mauris.
Vivamus sem nunc, egestas nec tincidunt at, porttitor ut odio. Aliquam aliquam,
purus nec fringilla varius, lectus lectus semper dui, eu laoreet nisl leo vel
lorem. Praesent viverra faucibus dui. Nunc mollis ipsum at nunc gravida
vehicula. Sed et convallis orci.

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