William Shakespeare in Act V of his “Macbeth” wrote:

“Life is but a walking Shadow, a poor Player That
struts and frets his Hour upon the Stage,
And then is heard no more;
It is a tall tale, told by an Idiot,
full of Sound and Fury, Signifying nothing."

If we accepted this concept, then Life loses all its meaning and we are reduced to a pathetic, sorry state where, as many do believe, we are born, we live and die without any reason, any purpose.

I completely reject this position. To me, life is not a random series of transient, overlapping, unrelated experiences, destined to be consigned to oblivion upon completion. I believe instead, life is a precious expression of a greater plan in which our time spent on earth is but a short segment of a journey which began in eternity and will continue to eternity.

Throughout history this question has been the subject of much philosophical, scientific and theological speculation. There have been a large number of differing, conflicting and diverging answers reflecting the various cultural and ideological backgrounds, clearly indicating the true complexity of the problem. In my opinion, there will never be an answer that will satisfy every one, and so it should be. In the end, each one of us must arrive at our individual position and as such apply this to the expression of our own life. For it is only by understanding our own self, can we really appreciate the true meaning of our life.

For me, one of the most eloquent, complete and comprehensive description of Life and it's purpose, is this description by Mother Teresa:

“Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is a beauty, admire it.
Life is a dream, realize it. Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it. Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it. Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it. Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it. Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it. Life is life, fight for it!”

With this in mind, in this blog I propose to briefly deal with random aspects of life as I have experienced them along the way. It is certainly not meant to be a guide for you to follow, but rather a reference that you may use as you see fit. I will also include quotations specially selected for each subject because of their impact upon me, and for no other reason.

I welcome your comments, criticisms and suggestions and active participation.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011


My Dear Anastasia,
Thank you for your very kind greetings on this very special season when we all take time to celebrate the birth of our lord Jesus Christ. It is also the very special time when we remember to give thanks for all the good things that we were able to enjoy and all the good people that have shared our lives during the last year. As I have told you before, this indeed is the true meaning of Christmas, and that all the dazzling lights, the shopping, the gift-giving and the commercialization of the season, should bear no relationship to its real importance to each and every one of us.
I have noted your concern about the over exploitation of “Santa Claus” and its effect on all the children around you. While I agree with you about the “exploitation”, I am sorry that you feel so strongly that “the whole story of Santa Claus is but a myth made up to impress children at Christmas time, and reinforced by society for economic reasons, with very little attention to the birth and life of Jesus Christ”. Although I cannot really disagree with your comment, allow me to qualify it with my own observation that in all matters of living, nothing is strictly black and white and at all times we must never ignore other people’s opinions as well as other possible options.
More than 100 years ago, Francis P. Church, a newspaper correspondent, wrote a beautiful editorial in the New York Sun in response to a question from his eleven year old daughter. Entitled “Yes, Virginia, There Is a Santa Claus,” he explained in a simple and eloquent way the reason for believing in the existance of Santa Claus. Here is a part of what he wrote:

“Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life at its highest beauty and joy. Alas! How dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Claus! It would be as dreary as if there were no Virginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable this existence. We should have no enjoyment, except in sense and sight and the eternal light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished.”
I am sure you will agree with me that these beautiful words do indeed make a strong and compelling case for children to believe in Santa Claus and his special place in their hearts and minds. Notice however, it does not in anyway negate the real purpose of this blessed season, to honor and give thanks to the Almighty for the birth of Our Savior, Jesus Christ.
The real problem lies in the fact that people are so busy buying gifts, writing cards, organising menus and planning for the upcoming celebrations that they inevitably lose track of the real meaning of Christmas. They even make up stories of a “Jolly Old Man” living somewhere near the north pole who is making plans to deliver presents to all the world’s children, in the hope of somehow impressing them of the truth of the myth. Over the centuries, Society, in its increasing drive to commercialization, has gradually shifted its focus from one of celebrating and thanking God for the gift of his son, to one of celebrating a tradition of giving and receiving gifts and eating, drinking and merry making, with little thought of Jesus, his message and his import.
Regrettably, we have indeed succeeded in removing the “Christ” in Christmas, and replaced it with the “X” in Xmas and in so doing we have succeeded in alienating ourselves and our children from the glory and the beauty of Christianity. We spend more time and effort in glorifying the season with joy and merryment and pay little attention to the message of the angels who announced to the world of the coming of the Savior with the words “Glory to God in the highest, and on Earth, peace and good will to men.”
But, this fact not withstanding, I want you to know that these two concepts are not mutually exclusive and in fact, when you think about it, there is a lot of basic similarities in the messages they bring. The message of Jesus Christ is primarily one of love, sacrifice and giving without expecting anything in return. Even as he died for us on the cross, all he asked from us is our love. So too is the concept of Santa Claus, who spends his life in preparing and giving happiness to children the world over, without any expectation of payback or reward. Don’t you see that in both cases the over-riding message is one of “love and goodwill to all.”
Someone, whose name I do not recall, once wrote:

“Jesus believed in us and gave to us, asking nothing in return. Santa is that symbol of believing and giving without expecting anything. Isn’t this what we want our children to believe and keep alive?”
This indeed my dear Anastasia, is the real meaning and spirit of Christmas; a time to rejoice the birth of Christ, to celebrate his life and his teachings, and to give thanks for his sacrifice on our behalf. In a similar way Santa Claus represents all the goodness of this message in a way a small child is able to understand and identify with.
...... Do you really think we should remove this opportunity?
In our headlong desire to commercialize and profit from the event, we have lost the dignity and integrity of the true christmas spirit in our hearts. Instead of dwelling on the goodness and the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on our behalf, we have chosen to spend more time worrying about the material trappings of the season. It is no wonder that the true meaning and intent of Santa Claus has also been buried by the ensuing garbage, and adapted to suit the greedy desires of a distorted society. This indeed is the real problem that is worthy of our concerted efforts to change and improve.
So, you see my dear Anastasia, do not equate the “Santa Claus” projected by the media and by big business, with it's true concept and wholesome symbol of love, sacrifice and commitment. Instead, let us continue to allow him to be the wonderful spirit in the imagination of the young child who is as yet not able to assimilate, as you no doubt are, the true spirit and message of Our Lord Jesus Christ.
Uncle Doc

Monday, December 12, 2011


'Remember the five simple rules to be happy;

-Free your heart from hatred,
Free your mind from worries,

live simply, give more and expect less.”

The above advice by an unknown author is to my mind, the most simple yet most eloquent description for happiness I have ever encountered. By its simplicity and clarity, it underlines, in dramatic effect, the necessary steps needed to achieve the reward of a happy life.
Happiness is never ever an entitlement; it is never automatic nor is it ever inherited or passed on.

The 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso, in a discussion with students at the Florida International University expressed this concept in the following terms:

"Happiness is not something ready made.

It comes from your own actions"
In his book entitled The Art of Happiness, published in 1998, he further elaborated his vision in these words:

"I believe that the very purpose of our life is to seek happiness.
-That is clear.
Whether one believes in religion or not,
Whether one believes in this religion or that religion,
We all are seeking something better in life.
So, I think, the very motion of our life is towards happiness."

In all his discussions the Dalai advocated that the aim of successful life is not in the acquisition of material fame and fortune, or even in the public recognition of these acquisitions, but rather in the degree of pleasure and happiness we are able to achieve along the way. He stressed that this right of happiness and the ability to find it, is available to everyone who is willing to make the effort to do what is necessary to achieve it. He went further to identify steps that we must all follow in our pursuit of personal happiness. These include:
-Establishing the right mental attitude and expectations.
-Achieving the correct discipline and calmness of mind.
-Controlling emotions, encouraging positive thoughts and suppressing negative ones.
-Recognizing and cultivating good habits and removing bad ones.
-Learning from our failures, recognizing that suffering is the opposite of happiness.
-Identifying and welcoming positive changes and removing older, unproductive ones.
-Developing long-lasting and deep-rooted relationships based on truth, honesty and respect.
The late Sai Baba, the renowned Indian guru, mystic, spiritual figure and educator, describes Happiness as actually being natural to human beings. He is quoted as saying that “Since our beings consist of consciousness-energy, the nature of which is well-being, happiness is our nature. We don’t need good fortune or any new circumstances to be happy, and we don’t need material goods, fun activities or success or power. It’s possible for us just to be happy, without any reason at all, because happiness is just there, inside us, in the same way that the sky and the air are outside us.”
The well known phrase contained in the U.S. Declaration of Independence as an unalienable right, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is considered to be one of the most powerful and influential statements in the English Language and has served to underline the caliber and quality of the original framers. Unfortunately, as a society we have failed to live up to the advice and expectations of these great leaders. Instead of choosing the path to happiness as one that encompasses a meaningful life, utilizing your strengths and abilities in assisting others, and living with purpose and compassion, we chose to measure our happiness by our conquests, our successes and our material status.
It is a crying shame that our present-day society beset by useless and expensive wars, openly manipulated by greedy business leaders and governed by selfish and self-directed politicians, has lost the fundamental meaning of true happiness. Instead, we have succeeded in replacing this noble and worthy direction by one which aims at projecting the ‘individual’ at all cost while ignoring the legitimate needs of the less fortunate masses. We have no hesitation to glorify, to the point of adoration, the successful athlete, or entertainer, or CEO, or politician, with our praise and our money, even as they engage in a whole range of unacceptable behavior designed to provide personal pleasure and self-gratification. We have replaced the selfless happiness of Buddha and Aristotle with the cult of Individualism. We have sacrificed the true joy of Happiness on the altar of Persons and Personality as we are persuaded that “only wealth can buy happiness”. And we have done all this in the name of progress!
But true happiness should not ever be measured on a yardstick of personal gain, or wealth, or popularity, nor for that matter should it be arbitrarily assumed for services rendered. Happiness is a state of being, a feeling of inner peace and acceptance that combines a whole range of attitudes and expectations. It is a very personal experience and cannot be transferred or exchanged. In this respective it is absolute, in that there can be no ‘relative happiness’ and you cannot share happiness of others unless it becomes assimilated within you. In every respect, I believe happiness is a choice that we each have the option to choose or to reject. It really depends on our willingness to look deeply into our own souls and to determine our own needs and purpose in life and our willingness to choose our happiness.
It is sometimes difficult to understand why others can be so happy even though they function under conditions which we may regard as unacceptable. Consider the example of Mary, a middle aged lady whose life read like a series of disasters that included a life of drug and sex abuse, rejecting religion, dealing with the occult, living in the streets and losing her only son as a young adult, until she found faith and religion. Yet if you were to meet her, you will not fail to recognize a deep seated happiness and love radiating from her and in every word she utters. Whenever she is asked to explain why she is so happy under these difficult circumstances, she will reply:
“Happiness does not mean that we will never get sick or have no problems or experience no difficulties. Happiness means that when we do have them, I believe we will always find that God is at our side, holding our hands and guiding us to find a solution. To me this special relationship with God is what true happiness is all about.”
Mary clearly has learnt the real meaning of happiness and I have no doubt that her faith will continue to support her for the rest of her life.
I believe that the potential for true happiness exists within each one of us and that in the majority of cases they remain buried under the debris of modern living to such an extent as to render them unattainable. In our headlong drive to conform to, and live like our neighbors, we have lost sight of our unique ability to be ourselves, to make choices for ourselves and above all, to recognize the wisdom of the great Greek philosopher Aristotle, who recorded:

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life,
the whole aim and end of human existence.”

< >

“In Buddhism, True happiness is called Riyaku Sesshua Fusha

"Riyaku" means peace, satisfaction and joy which refer as happiness.

"Sesshu" means embraced firmly and satisfied completely.

"Fusha" means never forsaken and changed.”
…..Buddhist Teaching

You may traverse the world in search of happiness,

When it is within the reach of everyman.

-A contented mind confers it all.


Events will take their course, it is no good of being angry at them; he is happiest who wisely turns them to the best account.

The word "happiness" would lose its meaning,
If it were not balanced by sadness.
……Carl Jung

Happiness is like a butterfly which when pursued,
is always beyond your grasp;
But if you sit down quietly may alight upon you.
…….Nathaniel Hawthorne.

Happiness is like a kiss.
You must share it to enjoy it.
….Bernard Meltzer

The search for happiness,
is one of the chief sources of unhappiness.
…….Eric Hoffer

Happiness is when what you think, say, and do,

are in harmony.

.....Mahatma Gandhi

You cannot always have happiness,

but you always give happiness.

.....Author Unknown

It is a sad thing to look at happiness
only through another’s eyes
…..Marguerite Blessington

When one door of Happiness closes, another opens;
But often we look so long at the closed door,
that we do not see the one which has opened for us.
…….Helen Keller

Thursday, December 8, 2011


Editor’s Note:
The following story has been around for many years and has been read by

millions of people worldwide. It has never failed to touch me with its power

and its message and to remind me of the truth of that wonderful quotation

by an anonymous author, which is still one of the most repeated statements

in any language:
“We will not be remembered by our words;
But by our kind deeds.”
It is being reproduced entirely in its original form in the hope that others will

have the opportunity to derive as much pleasure and satisfaction as I have

obtained, and perhaps learn, as I did, the true meaning of human kindness:

During the waning years of the depression in a small south eastern Idaho community, I used to stop by Mr. Miller's roadside stand for farm-fresh produce as the season made it available. Food and money were still extremely scarce and bartering was used, extensively.
One particular day Mr. Miller was bagging some early potatoes for me. I noticed a small boy, delicate of bone and feature, ragged but clean, hungrily appraising a basket of freshly picked green peas. I paid for my potatoes but was also drawn to the display of fresh green peas. I am a pushover for creamed peas and new potatoes. Pondering the peas, I couldn't help overhearing the conversation between Mr. Miller and the ragged boy next to me.

"Hello Barry, how are you today?"

"H'lo, Mr. Miller. Fine, thank ya. Jus' admirin' them peas ......sure look good."

"They are good, Barry. How's your Ma?"

"Fine. Gittin' stronger alla' time."

"Good. Anything I can help you with?"

"No, Sir. Jus' admirin' them peas."

"Would you like to take some home?"

"No, Sir. Got nuthin' to pay for 'em with."

"Well, what have you to trade me for some of those peas?"

"All I got's my prize marble here."

"Is that right? Let me see it."

“Here 'tis. She's a dandy."

"I can see that. Hmmmm, only thing is this one is blue and I sort of go for red. Do you have a red one like this at home?"

"Not 'zackley .....but, almost."

"Tell you what. Take this sack of peas home with you and next trip this way let me look at that red marble."

"Sure will. Thanks, Mr. Miller."

Mrs. Miller, who had been standing nearby, came over to help me. With a smile she said:

"There are two other boys like him in our community, all three are in very poor circumstances. Jim just loves to bargain with them for peas, apples, tomatoes or whatever. When they come back with their red marbles, and they always do, he decides he doesn't like red after all and he sends them home with a bag of produce for a green marble or an orange one, perhaps."

I left the stand, smiling to myself, impressed with this man.
A short time later I moved to Utah but I never forgot the story of this man, the boys and their bartering. Several years went by each more rapid than the previous one. Just recently I had occasion to visit some old friends in that Idaho community and while I was there learned that Mr. Miller had died.
They were having his viewing that evening and knowing my friends wanted to go, I agreed to accompany them. Upon our arrival at the mortuary we fell into line to meet the relatives of the deceased and to offer whatever words of comfort we could. Ahead of us in line were three young men. One was in an army uniform and the other two wore nice haircuts, dark suits and white shirts ...very professional looking.
They approached Mrs. Miller, standing smiling and composed, by her husband's casket. Each of the young men hugged her, kissed her on the cheek, spoke briefly with her and moved on to the casket. Her misty light blue eyes followed them as, one by one, each young man stopped briefly and placed his own warm hand over the cold pale hand in the casket. Each left the mortuary, awkwardly, wiping his eyes.
Our turn came to meet Mrs. Miller. I told her who I was and mentioned the story she had told me about the marbles. Eyes glistening she took my hand and led me to the casket.
"Those three young men, that just left, were the boys I told you about. They just told me how they appreciated the things Jim 'traded' them. Now, at last, when Jim could not change his mind about color or size... they came to pay their debt. We've never had a great deal of the wealth of this world, but, right now, Jim would consider himself the richest man in Idaho."

With loving gentleness she lifted the lifeless fingers of her deceased husband.

………Resting underneath were three, magnificently shiny, red marbles.

Sunday, November 27, 2011


“And love will hold us together

Make us a shelter to weather the storm

And I'll be my brother's keeper

So the whole world would know that we're not alone.”
The above quotation is taken from a song entitled "Hold us Together", written and performed by Matthew Maher, a critically acclaimed Canadian-born contemporary religious singer, songwriter and record artist. It draws attention to the question that has been asked over and over throughout the ages, and has plagued humanity since its original record in the biblical story, when Cain murdered his brother Abel in a jealous rage and then replied to God’s enquiry:

“I don’t know. Am I my brother’s keeper?”
The term “brother’s keeper”, especially in the Judeo-Christian traditions, has come to symbolize the willingness to accept the welfare of your fellow man and the unconditional responsibility to exercise the necessary choices. In its truest sense it implies a moral obligation and a directive as children of God, to care for your brother. Jesus Christ, in teaching us the prayer to God, started off with “Our Father who art in heaven” clearly implying the brotherhood of mankind and our individual responsibility to one another. St. Paul in his letter to the Galitians,Chapter 3, Verse 28 was direct and unambigous when he wrote:

“There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free,
there is neither male nor female; for ye are all one in Christ Jesus"
And when Jesus, in Matthew Chapter 22, Verse 39, instructed us to “Love your neighbor as yourself”, he was confirming the principle of responsibility for the caring of one another.
The real tragedy and failure of humanity throughout the ages is that, although we have given lip service to this concept, we have never as individuals, or a group, or a society or a nation, seriously acknowledged its relevance. Except for the occassional individual, who by example and life choice have strived to fulfill this directive, we have chosen to place our selfish needs ahead of all else, securing our own comforts at all cost. We will very seldom admit to the fact, but the truth is abundantly clear, that in all things, we do everything in our power to secure our own welfare and more, while giving little attention to our neighbors’ needs. Without question, we are motivated by our in-bred animal instinct which dictates a “Me First” response.
Over the years, the world has seen many examples of people who voluntarily abandoned a life of potential glory and success to follow the advice of Christ and become their brother’s keeper. My personal favorite is Dr. Albert Schweitzer, a German theologian, an accomplished world class organist, philosopher and physician, who forsook a life of fame and recognition in Europe, to become a medical missionary to the inhabitants of Lambarene, a small outpost in French Equatorial Africa, founding and maintaining a hospital to serve the population. He was motivated by an ethical philosophy of sharing, which he called “Reverence For Life”, for which he received a Nobel Peace Prize in 1952. Despite the multitude of accolades and awards he received from all over the world, Schweitzer, who died and is buried in Lambarene in 1965, remained dedicated to his principle of reverence and responsibility to life.
But Schweitzer is but one outstanding example of many, many others who on a daily basis spend their lives guided by the principle of caring for the welfare of others. Each day, in thousands of ways and often at great personal expense and inconvenience, people can be found going the extra mile in order in some small way, to alleviate the pain and suffering of others. When a very successful and prominent Neurosurgeon leaves his comfortable offices in Miami to travel and spend weeks at a time in Haiti under appalling conditions after a devastating earthquake, or when a fireman goes into a burning building to save a victim, or a 16 year old student saves her weekly allowance to send to a children’s fund, these are all examples of living as your brother’s keeper. Consider the example of Mary, a kind lady who has suffered her share of misfortunes, losing her only son at 31, fired from her cleaning job by an ignorant boss, with no source of income yet continues to collect clothes and food to give to her needy brothers and sisters in her neighborhood. All these people, in their own special way, were indeed living the life described by Jesus Christ in the Gospel of Matthew when he said:

“Whatever you do to the least of my brothers,
You do to me”

The image and kindness of these people, quietly doing their work without pomp and glory, stands out in stark and glaring contrast when compared with so many of the “famous” people whose names and faces inhabit the daily newspapers, the weekly magazines and the nightly television programs and whose claim to fame is the absurd and immoral exploitation of self gratification. A young woman who is said to have collected 15 million dollars to participate in a public marriage ceremony and then breaks it up after 90 days, or the investor who successfully cheated and schemed thousands of people out of their life savings, with no intention of repayment, or the college coach who used his position and trust to abuse young children are but a few examples of what appears to be the norm in present-day society. By any standard, in any society, these actions are both a gross abomination and a shameful indictment of ungodly behavior. Yet society is determined to glorify and reward these people to absurd levels and we, as members of society, encourage this transgression by our support or even worse, by our silence. It makes the true believer feel that Jesus Christ suffered and died in vain and that his teachings of love and caring remain buried in the sands of selfish behavior.
But irrespective of the prevailing conditions it is essential that we all make the effort to embrace the spirit of respect, caring and tolerance towards our neighbors and to recognize that we are indeed our brother’s keepers. Without this principle firmly implanted, we are destined to continue to live in a world of suffering, turmoil and distrust. In the setting as presently exists, dominated by wars, racial and religious distrust, indiscriminate killing and absurd social imbalances, it is no surprise that Schweitzer’s principle of Reverence of Life has been discarded on the altar of expediency. The task is not easy, but not impossible, and must begin with the acceptance and recognition of the fact that each one of us are indeed keepers and instead of asking, we rise up and accept the responsibility with diligence and determination.
Many years ago, when during a very trying time in my life, I found myself in need of others to help me deal with a difficult situation, I was sustained by the words of a beautiful song, recorded by “The Hollies” entitled “He Ain’t Heavy.” This has since served to constantly remind me of the need, role and strength of a keeper. I sincerely hope they will serve the same purpose for you:

It's a long, long road

from which there is no return.

While we're on our way to there,

why not share?

And the load doesn't weigh me down at all.

He ain't heavy, he's my brother.

Thursday, November 24, 2011


Many years ago, one of France’s greatest personalities, a talented actor, comedian and goodwill ambassador, Maurice Chevalier, commented, to the delight of his sold out show that:

“Old age isn’t so bad, when you consider the alternatives.”
He continued to lead a full and active life until he retired in 1968 at age 80 years, 4 years before he died. His statement however has continued on, taking a life of its own and has been used globally as an excellent comment on getting old.

For most people, particularly those who have led a full and active life, the thought of growing old with all its perceived handicaps and inadequacies, can be daunting and humbling. Very few people ever admit to looking forward to old age, and when they do, there is always a slight hint of nostalgia and disappointment in their voices. But the reality is that irrespective of what we do, or try to do, or hope for, the nature of events are such that life leads relentlessly and inexorably to an end and the best we can do under the circumstances, is to try to do what we can to “enjoy the ride.” The fact is, despite all the claims made and all the hopes we harbor, there is only one alternative to getting old and irrespective who you are or what you do, it is only a matter of time before each one of us arrive at that final point.

During the early phases of our lives few of us ever give any thought to the aspect of growing old. We become so deeply involved in building relationships, establishing careers and finding out more about ourselves that we make no plans beyond the present. As we spend every minute of each day in dealing with the needs and the demands of that day, we are not inclined, nor do we have the time or the inclination to be concerned with planning for the future. It does not take much to persuade ourselves that there will be time to think about getting old later, but for now this is not relevant in today’s needs. And even as we encounter and deal with older people along the way, we seldom pause enough to think about ourselves eventually joining their ranks. Instead we use these encounters to improve ourselves by learning from them, or competing with them or even replacing them. This after all is the way of life.

Someone once described life as being a journey climbing up a mountain. You start at the bottom slowly and deliberately as you learn the art of climbing. As you progress upwards, you gain assurance and travel further and plan more confidently. You are satisfied as you survey what you have achieved, and you are encouraged to make plans for your continued progress. Your journey is exciting and rewarding and you cannot wait to reach the top. However, as you get to the top, you soon find that this euphoria does not last and the journey gets more difficult, there are more obstacles and you realize that the road was getting tougher and that you are not coping as well, as you begin to descend downhill. The journey going down seems to be much faster and you begin to get the feeling that it takes a lot more effort to achieve than you previously needed. You realize, ready or not, old age is catching up and sooner or later the road will reach an end. You do what you can to slow the decline, you might even succeed temporarily but in the end you cannot hold back the inevitable.

But old age does not have to be the frightening monster that it is portrayed to be. You do not have to feel like an old garment to be tossed aside as the impetuous youth take over. Nor should it be the opposite where we feel committed, at all cost and with increasing effort, to hold on to the present, completely oblivious of the problems you cause or damage you do. These actions are both inappropriate and worse, can and do result in unnecessary pain, frustration and unhappy experiences.

In fact, old age, properly managed, can be the best and most satisfying phase of living. Older people, having lived through and coped with a bewildering series of experiences, are better able to solve problems, to control their emotions, to accept misfortune and admit responsibility. The advancing years have generally made them more tolerant, less prone to anger or to pass judgment, and more willing to understand and to forgive. And even as their health becomes increasingly compromised, they become much more accepting and therefore more cheerful. This, to my mind, is the single most gratifying finding in individuals who have successfully adapted to the demands of getting old and indeed in the words of an author, whose name I do not recall, “is one of life’s greatest empowerments.”

Every person is endowed with their own peculiar personality, attitude, ambition, image and expectation which impact upon their individual lives in their own unique way. It is not surprising therefore that they each approach old age in their own special way. While a small percentage will inevitably reject the obvious and continue on as if there is no end, the great majority will, at some point along the way, take time to look back and review their lives and their work. If you live long enough and live right enough, your joy and satisfaction will more than compensate your own fading star. This indeed is the true reality of life!

As I look back upon my own journey along life’s road and recall my experiences as I crossed over from one stage to another and remember the many mistakes I made and equally, the many correct decisions I took, I am left with a sense of contentment. In a paradoxical way, getting old does have its advantages for it implies that you have lived long enough to have done things worth doing, to have influenced people who appreciate your efforts, to have memories worth treasuring, and in a small way, to have made your world a little better than you found it.

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, the great American author, poet and educator spoke on behalf all those older people when he wrote:

“For age is opportunity no lessThan youth itself,

though in another dress,

And as the evening twilight fades away,

The sky is filled with stars invisible by day.”

Friday, November 18, 2011


"Carefully watch your Thoughts, for they become your Words.
Manage and watch your Words, for they will become your Actions.
Consider and judge your Actions, for they have become your Habits.
Acknowledge and watch your Habits, for they shall become your Values.
Understand and embrace your Values, for they become your Destiny."

These words spoken by Mahatma Gandhi, one of the world’s greatest statesmen, preeminent leader of non-violent independence movements, founder and father of Modern India, gifted politician and philosopher, have always impressed me as the most exquisite and perfect explanation of the effect of thought in our life and living.

Few people will dispute the fact that the quality and content of our daily thoughts have a direct bearing on our life and on the condition and circumstances of our living. Your thoughts are dictating and influencing your every action, during each waking moment, and even when you are asleep. Each action you perform, every thing you perceive, every plan you develop and every decision you make has its origin in that poorly understood inner world of your thoughts. They are the key to your world and unless you are able the take control of them and direct them, they will surely destroy you, even as they paradoxically act to "protect" you.

From the dawn of civilization, the greatest thinkers and philosophers have wrestled with the problem of understanding and explaining the origin and influence of thought on human behavior. The ancient Chinese schools of thought including Confucianism and Taoism, that flourished 4000 years ago during the period known as the Golden Age of Chinese Philosophy offered many theories but no real answers. So too, during the period of enlightenment of the Ancient Greco-Roman Era led by philosophers such as Socrates, Plato and Aristotle, who are considered to be fathers of modern philosophy, as well as during the subsequent Indian-Persian Era, dominated by the teachings of Hinduism, Buddhism and Zarathustra, man has searched for answers, offered many theories but no conclusions. In fact, our state of knowledge today, despite thousands of years of search and study, has not significantly advanced, and we are still at the point of offering theories, not conclusions.

The power of thought is the master key in creating and maintaining the person who you are. Left uncontrolled, it is driven by a relentless desire to “protect” you at all cost, even when that cost is your self-destruction. Just consider the unfortunate outcome of the severely Obsessive Compulsive patient who is driven by his abnormal thoughts to commit repetitive actions that are useless, non-productive and destructive and which so enslave the victim that they become imprisoned in a world of their own making. Equally, consider the victims of drug and alcohol abuse, in which the over-riding thoughts of self-gratification drive them inexorably into the hell of addiction. Then there are the unfortunate victims of pathological thinking as in Depression and in Schizophrenia which, if not corrected, will lead to frightening conclusions. In all of these instances, the single dominant culprit is the victim’s thought processes which have gone astray and resist correction or control.

To become master of your life, you must learn to control the nature and the content of your thoughts. By doing so you will be able to bring order, make choices and exercise options related to the actual and prevailing circumstances of your life. By controlling instinctive thoughts and replacing them with relevant options, you will in effect, bring order and reality to your living and avoid the destructive influence of negative thinking. By doing so, you will be able to choose your direction, exercise your options and plan and predict your future course based, not on blind impulse, but on considered action. It is important that we understand that the mind, if not controlled, will react automatically in the direction to which it is conditioned and imprinted. Negative thoughts, if not altered, will automatically influence everything you do, or feel, or say and your life will be dominated by this negativity which will then become the standard of behavior.

It is for this reason that Gandhi’s advice is so definitive, as he carefully traces the sequence of events from the initiation of a single thought to the ultimate expression of one’s final destiny. Indeed, I have no doubt that anyone of us, with very little effort, will have no difficulty in recalling examples of this happening in our lives on a daily basis. This is why it is so very important that we take time and effort to teach our children the importance of critical review of thought processes and to avoid, at all cost, the tendency to respond and react impulsively because, “it sounds good”, or “it makes sense”. Napoleon Hill, the great American author and one of the most successful inspirational and self-help pioneers, summarized this most effectively in the following quotation:

“Life is a mirror of your consistent thoughts.”

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Man's greatness lies in his power of thought.
………Blaise Pascal

The wise ones fashioned speech with their thought,
Sifting it as grain is sifted through a sieve.

Some men use thought only as authority for their injustice,
And employ speech only to conceal their thoughts.
……Voltaire I have always thought the actions of men,
Are the best interpreters of their thoughts. …….John Locke

One thought fills immensity.
……William Blake

Thoughts are living things.
A thought is as much solid as a piece of stone.
We may cease to be, but our thoughts can never die.

......Sri Swami Sivananda

Thought must be divided against itself,
Before it can come to any knowledge of itself.

…….Aldous Huxley

The greatest weapon against stress,
Is our ability to choose one thought over another.
……William James

Shutting off the thought process is not rejuvenating;
The mind is like a car battery - it recharges by running.
……..Bill Watterson

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


“You talk when you cease to be at peace with your thoughts;

And when you can no longer dwell in the solitude of your heart,
You will live in your lips, and sound is a diversion and a pastime.”

These words were written by the great Lebanese-born poet and philosopher, Khalil Gibran, in his universally recognized masterpiece, The Prophet. They have always impressed me as one of the most effective and appropriate description of the role of talk in human living.
From time to time, I find myself returning to ponder and meditate upon them in an attempt to identify where exactly I fall in the scheme and how others compare. In the chapter dealing with “Talk,” Gibran went on to describe the many ways man may use talk as an expression of himself and his underlying personality. He spoke of those who chose to be with the talkative, to escape their own insecurities and fear of loneliness, and of others, who deliberately become talkative to conceal their own ignorance and emptiness. And there are those who actually speak the truth without even knowing or understanding it, and yet again there are others who have the truth within them, but who suffer because they cannot find the right words to express it. He concluded that talk was the true window through which, and by which, we view the rest of the world and most importantly, how, consciously or unconsciously,
we all make use of talk as a window into our innermost selves. He expressed this thought most beautifully in the following comment:

“When you meet your friend on the roadside or in the market place,
Let the spirit in you move your lips and direct your tongue.

Let the voice within your voice speak to the ear of his ear.”

From time immemorial, the art of successful speech has been the single most effective way man has used to influence others, institute change and generally draw attention. Throughout history every great leader succeeded in controlling the masses and reinforcing his image as their leader by the effective use of talk. The great Roman Emperor Julius Caesar gained much of his popularity with the masses as a result of his commanding speaking ability. Who will ever forget the great speeches of Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler whose resounding orations served to rally the citizens of their separate countries against one another during World War II. In the United States, as in every other countries, great leaders are remembered more for the famous speeches they made than the changes they caused. Leaders like Abraham Lincoln, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., and John F. Kennedy are but a few of many, who are fondly remembered more for their oratorical abilities than for the content of their speeches.
Even at the individual level, it is far easier, and certainly much more effective, to initiate and maintain a relationship in the presence of a good verbal exchange. The ability to successfully communicate immediately induces a feeling of confidence and allays anxiety so that the recipient is rendered more accessible and much more willing to conform. No one can ever forget the actions of a good salesman as he works to convince the buyer to acquire a product. His success is not based on the content of what he says, but rather on the degree of confidence and empathy he projects. His ability is not in the words he uses, but on the way he uses the words. He is indeed a master of Talk.
But we do not all have to be master salesmen to lead successful lives. What we do need to recognize is the fact that, except for the accomplished confidence trickster, we are all, in one way or another, a reflection of what we think or say. We are in fact conditioned to feel and think and act by responding to a series of words. Whether these words come in the form of a request, a command, a reaction or a rejection, we respond instinctively. We are undoubtedly subject to the influence of Talk.
Since we are all a reflection of what we say and how we say it, it behooves us all to remember that the only way we can ensure acceptance and avoid rejection is by remaining true to ourselves and avoiding the easy road of choosing to say what you think they wanted to hear, than the more correct truth. In this context, I am reminded of the famous quotation by Duke University’s very successful Basket ball coach Mike Krzyzewski on truth in talk:

I have a rule on my team:
When we talk to one another,
we look each other right in the eye,
because I think it's tough to lie to somebody.

You give respect to somebody.

Sunday, November 6, 2011


A short while ago, like many others, I received the horrific news that a young adolescent boy took his life in his parents’ home during the early hours of the morning while everyone slept. Even I, with so many years of experience in medical and psychiatric medicine, still find it difficult to accept such actions. The degree of trauma and pain suffered by the parents and the immediate family was, as to be expected, enormous and unbearable. The shock and loss experienced by his peers and associates, as judged by their reaction and their comments in the social media sites, was cataclysmic. Everyone searched for answers, and as happens in these situations, there was no shortage of answers. But all of them were merely the result of speculation and guessing, and there were no, and quite likely, there will never be any definitive reason for the tragedy. In the end a young man with so many reasons to live, was lost forever.
To God-fearing societies, Suicide is considered to be an abomination against God and except in the most extreme, radical societies, the action is considered to be illegal or taboo. Yet despite every effort to control it, each year over a million people the world succeed in killing themselves. This statistic is even more frightening when you consider that for every successful attempt there are many more who have either attempted and failed, or seriously considered the possibility but never took any action. Sometimes I wonder whether there is some truth in the statement made by a collegue of mine during a discussion on the subject; “We humans are all born with the instinct to take our lives at any time, and for any reason, and except for the grace of God and a little luck, we often do.”
Suicide is a worldwide scourge which, despite intensive attention, continues to increase at an alarming rate. The World Health Organization estimates that by the year 2020 there will be more than 1.5 million successful suicides and between 15 – 30 million unsuccessful attempts occurring annually. Each year it ranks in the top ten causes of death among adults and among the top three causes of death among adolescents. Further, although the records are not complete, the evidence points to the fact that the incidence of suicide in the Caribbean is surprisingly high and getting higher. This is a state of affairs that is unacceptable and demands the concerted efforts and understanding of everyone including parents, politicians, teachers and trained professionals as a matter of urgency.
Apart from the tragic consequences to the victim, Suicide is a very serious public health issue that has lasting, harmful effects on the family, the associates, and the community, which can persist for generations. Unlike other events, this is further aggravated because of the unfortunate nature of the deed and the resulting ongoing “embarrassment”. The action invariably leads to a sense of shame and withdrawal, and a genuine reluctance to seek appropriate help. When this is compounded with the inevitable feelings of responsibility and guilt experienced by the surviving family, the result is a further disintegration within the family structure leading to ongoing pain and suffering.
Suicide is a highly complex phenomenon, which despite extensive research, is still not clearly understood and unfortunately, not adequately managed. It is a behavioral action that involves poorly understood interactions between genetic, biochemical, psychological, societal, and cultural factors. Research shows that, especially in regard to adult victims, there are most often diagnosable underlying psychological conditions such as depressive illnesses, behavioral or personality disorders or substance abuse. This would suggest that, at least in regard to adult population, much more aggressive attention should be paid to the identification of early symptoms, the use of public education and the easy availability of competent resources including trained personnel, will have some effect on reducing the rising incidence of suicide.
Contrary to prevailing views, the problem of Adolescent Suicide is, in my view, somewhat different from Adult Suicide, and should be approached differently. Although depression is frequently mentioned as a risk factor in its causation and some sources suggest that this may as high as 75% of cases, I believe that the real causes are much more complex, and relate to the underlying demands of process of adolescence itself. At best, these years are an anxious and unsettling period for teenagers as they face the difficulties of transition into adulthood. It is the period in life where on the one hand much is expected from them, but also one during which they undergo tumultuous changes physically, sexually and emotionally. They experience strong feelings of doubt, inadequacy, gender uncertainty and orientation and have deep seated fears of facing the future and expectations of adulthood, while they deal with the competitive demands of the present. It is a period that is often confusing and intimidating, causing some of them to feel isolated from family or authority, reluctant to seek guidance from them and unfortunately, turning to their peers for help. This is a formula for tragedy!
Compounding this situation, is the very real social and environmental risk factors which we, as adults, do not understand and tend to take for granted. We assume that “they will learn as we did when we were their age” and make little or no effort to really understand our children. We tend to conveniently forget our own period of uncertainty and feelings of inadequacy which we experienced or witnessed in our time, and we try not to recall the names of our friends or contemporaries who fell by the wayside, or chose the ultimate solution because “they could not take it anymore”. I have no doubt that any one of us will have no difficulty to remember several examples among our own peers in our day.
It is this perceived apparent inadequacy or inability of parents and other people in authority to display the appropriate interest or worse, ignore the developing signs on the horizon, that in my mind give rise to some, if not all, the risk factors. As parents and adults, our expectations are directed to personal success and advancement for our children, and we give little attention to storm raging within and around them. To make matters worse, the current adolescent population has the added impact of the internet, and in particular such media sites as Facebook, to influence and further aggravate their conflicts. Not the least of which is the lingering fear of exposure, or ridicule or humiliation that, unlike previous generations, could occur and spread rapidly and lead to devastating consequences. Parents must recognize this very real possibility at all times and must take every opportunity to maintain open communication, flexibilty and willingness to understand their children.
Suicide among adolescents very rarely occurs on a planned, premeditated program. Rather it is much more an impulsive response to an unacceptable situation occurring in the individual’s life, whether that be a failed romance, bullying, criticism, sexual orientation or any of the many variations that has the potential of causing pain and embarassment, especially when the victim feels unable to deal with it. I recall the response of a young girl after a failed attempt:
“I did it on a sudden impulse, when I could not bear the thought that everybody will soon know about me. It seemed that this was the right thing to do especially since none of my family or friends really understood.”
Much has been written on this subject, but the following observation from Social Science department of the University of Amsterdam, Holland, is impressive:
“Suicidal feelings should not be underestimated, they are real and powerful and immediate. The victims are driven by pain not choice. Suicide isn’t chosen – it happens when pain exceeds the resources for coping with pain. But we do know that suicide is often a permanent solution to a temporary problem. And we also know that most people who once thought about killing themselves are now glad to be alive. They did not want to end their lives – they just wanted to stop the pain.”
Suicide is clearly a serious concern which is crying out for serious and concerted action from all the relevant members of society. The only way we can hope to reduce the incidence of attempted and completed episodes in our community is by establishing comprehensive programs involving all members of society. In situations where meaningful efforts in education, sensitization and improved communications among all groups have occurred there has been significant improvement both in the reduction of events and in the general welfare of our teenage population. But if we hope to be successful we must include everyone involved in the care and concern of our adolescents;
-Health authorities must provide adequate professional support such as Social and Psychological personnel to deal with the very real adolescent problems of adjustment and orientation and to identify and correct the symptoms of depression so common at that age. We cannot allow the present pattern of leaving them to their own resources and expected increasing disasters.
-Families must be educated to their responsibility in the welfare of their children. Negative family functioning is undoubtedly a strong risk factor. There is a very strong association of suicidal and other emotional ideation among teenagers with a family history of suicide, substance abuse, marital conflict, physical violence and marital conflict including divorce, neglect or abandonment. Studies suggest that family conflicts precipitate at least 20% of completed suicides and 50% of attempted. Successful family interactions result in providing the necessary protective factor, secure safety net and open communications that are needed to help overcome any challenge or conflict.
-School personnel play an equally vital role in the lives of their students. The ongoing contact in the classroom and in the hallways may provide an opportunity for early identification and effective prevention of potential behavior. Any change in academic performance or behavior or emotional response may herald an early sign of trouble. This is even more important since students are more willing to confide in their teacher than their parents. But for this to take place, teachers must make the effort be alert and proactive in the school.
In the end, the only chance we have to try to curb this scourge in society, and to protect our children from impulsively destroying their sacred and God-given life lies in our willingness, as parents, teachers, professionals or support personnel to recognize our individual and group responsibilities and to take steps to familiarize ourselves with appropriate knowledge. Normal, healthy adolescent development occurs in the context of a loving, secure, mutually respectful setting where there are responsible and mature relationships. Until they are comfortable to express their concerns, positive or negative, to parents and teachers and not be afraid of ridicule or embarrassment they are likely to keep them to themselves or worse, seek out the advice of their peers.
…………This is the challenge we face as we continue to witness the senseless loss or destruction of our children.

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No one ever lacks a good reason for suicide.
……Cesare Pavese

Suicide is not a remedy.
…..James A. Garfield There is something great and terrible about suicide.
……..Honore De Balzac

Suicide is the remedy of pain
…..Matt Hartman

More than one soul dies in a suicide
…..Author Unknown

When people kill themselves, they think they're ending the pain,
but all they're doing is passing it on to those they leave behind ……Jeannette Walls

Sometimes I wonder if Suicides aren’t in fact,
Sad guardians of the meaning of life
…..Vaclav Havel

I’ll show you a young man with so many reasons why,
there but for fortune, go you or I.
.….Joan Baez (“there but for fortune”)

Saturday, November 5, 2011

LIFE IS IN THE LIVING (3) The Seven Golden Rules

“We can live only in the present. We cannot live in the past,
since the past is always gone. The future has not yet come.
The present alone is given for us on a silver plate,
to act in, and to enjoy. How big is the present?
The present is a thin line where the past meets the future.”

I recently came across the above quotation by the well respected Hindu philosopher, Dr. Krishna Sadananda dealing with his views on living. In my opinion it encapsulates in a few lines, the fundamental meaning of life and of living.
Over the years a great deal of thought has been given, and much has been written about this most important topic and although there is wide variation in the details, there is almost universal agreement on their importance and anticipation. Despite this, people the world over, have continued to search for their individual answers and develop their own, personal solutions.
In fact a search of the internet will reveal thousands and thousands of publications and references, each reflecting the personal views of the particular author.
In this context, one of the most popular and extremely widely distributed publications is a list of quotations entitled The Seven Golden Rules of Life. Its origin or authors have never been definitively identified, but its content is a rich collection of wise and insightful advice worthy of serious consideration by all.
They have always attracted my attention and encouraged me to seek out a meaning for each one as they relate to my own life situation. The following comments are strictly my own personal interpretations and are offered with the hope that you may be encouraged to search out you own positions. I am sure you will find the exercise most rewarding.


Don’t let someone become a priority in your life,
When you are just an option in their life;
Relationships work best when they are balanced.

True, meaningful relationships are the foundation of a rich and rewarding life. As human beings our lives are based on a continuous interaction with others. In our day-to-day life we are constantly relating with others, whether this be in the school, work-place, social environment or at home. The great majority of these encounters are generally superficial, serve to satisfy an immediate need or situation and then quickly fade from memory or consciousness upon completion, without any lasting effect. These are the tools of daily living that we all must acquire and implement in order to continue living.
But in addition to this, we all need and search out people with whom we can develop deeper and more meaningful relationships that are based on trust, tolerance, acceptance and mutual respect. Without this, our lives will be robbed of the fulfillment and richness that only comes from a relationship where honesty, respect and understanding can provide a quality that rises above all other encounters.
However, the term “meaningful relationship” is very subjective and obviously is interpreted differently by different individuals, and will vary from time to time, depending on such variables as age, circumstances and state of mind. But whatever the prevailing conditions, the one constant factor which determines the depth and strength of any such relationship is the bond which holds the relationship together. If this bond is lopsided, if it is based on anything but a full and equal interaction it will neither grow nor even survive.
Such a relationship, to become truly successful, must indeed be complete and balanced, where each party contributes to their fullest and where the sum total of the contributions adds up to 100%. It certainly does require “equal” participation, but rather "total" participation. Under these circumstances the quality of this relationship is as rewarding as it is lasting.

........It gives joy to life and reason for living!


Never explain yourself to anyone.
Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it,
and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it.

This rule relates specifically to the need for you to know yourself, to know who you are, and to avoid the temptation to measure yourself with other people’s yardsticks.
Much has been written and spoken about this rule and there are volumes of confusing opinions expressed as to its real meaning. Some opinions see this as a matter of power and control where, by explaining yourself, you risk loss of control and hand authority over you to another party. Yet others have suggested that any attempt to explain your action implies a subconscious feeling of uncertainty and inferiority and a desire for positive feedback at all cost.
I do not believe either of these explanations is correct. My personal view is more fundamental and not as complicated. I do not believe that I need to prove anything to any one but myself, to endorse this rule. As I see it, it is a statement of fact which does not need an explanation. Those people who know and like me, will already have sought out the needed information about me and will have formed a favorable opinion and a level of trust. On the other hand, for those who, for whatever reason, have an unfavorable opinion, no amount of explanation will be necessarily persuasive.
In the end therefore, you are ultimately answerable to yourself alone, and you ought to be guided solely by this principle in all things.

William Shakespeare brilliantly described this principle thus:

“Above all, to your own self be true,
and it must follow as the night, the day,
You cannot then be false to any man.”


When you keep saying you are too busy,
-then you are never free.
When you keep saying you have no time,
-then you will never have time.
When you keep saying that you will do it tomorrow,

-then tomorrow will never come

One of the major failings of human behavior is the problem of procrastination. It seems that, unlike any other member of the animal kingdom, we are endowed with this tendency to make excuses from birth and that throughout our lifetime we spend more time and effort in the art of avoiding or postponing actions, often at our ultimate disadvantage.
As I see it, our use of excuses is related to our reluctance to accept responsibility for our actions, or more precisely, our reluctance to accept the failures that can result from our actions. The problem is that as we continue to make excuses we begin to believe them and pretty soon they become self fulfilling prophesies. When we believe we are too busy, then clearly we will never be free to find ourselves. And if we think there is no time available then we will never find the time to explore our opportunities. When we are convinced there is no tomorrow, then it does not make sense to plan for the future.
We have to realize that excuses, however they appear, will negate responsibility and encourage procrastination. By recognizing and refusing to make excuses and accepting responsibility for all our actions we inevitably reap the rewards of success, whether this be personal self-respect, or trust and acceptance by others, or confidence to move forward.

.....This indeed, is the fundamental difference between success and failure!
Dr. Benjamin Franklin, a leading American author, inventor, politician and statesman, one of the Founding Fathers of the United States of America, effectively summarized this outcome in the following manner:

“He that is good for making excuses,
is seldom good for anything else.”


When we wake up in the morning,
we have two simple choices;
Go back to sleep and dream on, or
Wake up and chase your dreams.

Life’s greatest gift, and the single most important difference between Human Beings and the rest of the Animal Kingdom, is the freedom of choice. The ability to choose a specific course of action from a set of alternatives is as much a blessing as it is a curse. Unlike the animal whose choice is strictly limited to the demands for its survival, we have been granted the wonderful opportunity of achieving goals based far beyond immediate gratification, that permit us to plan into the future.
But this gift of choice does not automatically guarantee happiness or success, and certainly does not ensure any benefits for the individual. These will only come when we exercise the right options and make the right decisions. This freedom to choose is the fundamental soul of life and the creative force for living.
The gift comes with individual responsibility which requires us to exercise and act. If we do nothing, we get back nothing in return. If on the other hand we accept the responsibility then each choice will make life more convenient and will lead on to further choices. This is, in the most basic sense, is the true meaning of life.

..........We are indeed the product of our choices!


We make them cry, who care for us.
We cry for those, who never care for us.
And we care for those, who will never cry for us.
…..This is the truth of life, strange but true.
Once you realize this, it’s never too late to change.

One of the unfortunate failings of the human mind is the unpredictable response to emotional situations. By and large our reaction is more often than not, to respond impulsively without giving due regard to the circumstances. This clearly leads to inappropriate responses and the opportunity for potential exploitation.
The irony of this truth is that we are all fully aware of its existence and we rarely ever make any effort to correct the situation. This leads to confusing outcomes of favoring those who have no care for us and ignoring the good of those who truly care for us. This paradox of behavior is related to a large extent, to the influence of our upbringing which is directed to “caring for others” under all circumstances.
In the end, we have to recognize that this is indeed a fact of life. We will do well to bear this in mind and to make every effort to identify those who really care for us and give them the recognition they deserve, even as we continue to care for all others, friends or foe, alike.


Don't make promise when you are in joy.

Don't reply when you are sad.
Don't take decision when you are angry.

Think twice, act twice.

One of the major shortcomings of many of us is the constant inconsistency of our responses. In our haste to please others, or our urge to secure ourselves and retain good feelings we tend to make decisions without regard to prevailing conditions, only to regret it later.
It makes good sense to avoid responding or reacting decisively whenever we are under the influence of any kind of emotional state since our decision is likely to be more impulsive than reasonable.
We run the risk of regretting later, a decision which is spoken in haste at an inappropriate time. Hence the advice to think twice before acting is so important. By doing so we avoid a great deal of unnecessary pain!
Bob Dylan, one of the foremost exponents of American folk music, summarized this problem in the following words:

“People seldom do what they believe in.

-They do what is convenient, and then regret.”


Time is like a river.
You cannot touch the same water twice,
since the flow that has passed, will never pass again.
….Enjoy every moment of your life!

For as long as I can recall I have been taught the concept that time is like a flowing river whose waters, once passed will never pass again. I have also been taught that human life can also be likened to a flowing river and as the great English physicist Stephen Hawkings described; “ on which it seems that each of us are carried relentlessly by its current.”

-Time is indeed the master of life!
To me the message is as loud as it is clear. As our life, like time, flows relentlessly forward, it is incumbent on us to make use of every opportunity to seek enrichment and satisfaction in our lives and our environment. So often we overlook opportunities or avoid challenges, or ignore chances for so many foolish and illogical excuses, when in fact, had we moved appropriately, our rewards would have been meaningful. Rather than measuring our success by a series of disjointed, accidental incidents, it would be so much better if we remain aware and alert to the opportunities that come along the flowing waters of Time, than embark on the frustrating act of following them after they have passed on.

-This is indeed the fundamental difference between success and failure.
Leonardo da Vinci, the great Italian painter and philosopher was truly insightful when he observed that:

“Time stays long enough,
for anyone who will use it.”

Saturday, October 29, 2011


“We can live only in the present. We cannot live in the past,
since the past is always gone. The future has not yet come.
The present alone is given for us on a silver plate,
to act in, and to enjoy. How big is the present?
The present is a thin line where the past meets the future.”

I recently came across the above quotation by the well respected Hindu philosopher, Dr. Krishna Sadananda dealing with his views on living. In my opinion it encapsulates in a few lines, the fundamental meaning of life and of living.

Over the years a great deal of thought has been given, and much has been written about this most important topic and although there is wide variation in the details, there is almost universal agreement on its meaning and expectation. But despite this, people the world over, have continued to search for their individual answers and develop their own, personal solutions. In fact a search of the internet will reveal thousands and thousands of publications and references, each reflecting the personal views of the particular author.

A popular and to my mind, a very commendable practice is the publication of a series of very impressive and equally relevant quotations dealing with various aspects of life and living on an increasing number of internet sites and blogs. These have never failed to attract my attention and have served to encourage me to seek out and understand my own views on this most important subject. As a result of this exercise I have selected a few that have impressed me in one way or another and will offer a comment on each under my own heading.

This is the second in my series of topics under this heading. I hope they will provide you with the necessary interest to encourage you to seek further;


“Man sacrifices his health in order to make money,
then sacrifices his money in order to recuperate his health.
He is so anxious about the future that he does not enjoy the present;
The result is that he does not live in the present or the future.
He lives as if he is going to die, and dies having never really lived.”
These words were spoken by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso, in response to a question concerning what had surprised him most in life. In these few words the Dalai Lama was able to crystallize the single most serious shortcoming of our modern society. In the headlong drive to succeed at all cost, we have sacrificed all the inherent beauty and joy of living the “true life” on the altar of personal expediency. We waste our lives worrying about intangibles and as a result lose sight of the greater good awaiting us just over the horizon. We focus on the problems and worries that affect us so intensively, that we lose sight of their actual importance in the overall scheme of our lives.
His words are a powerful reminder that the only way anyone of us can really benefit during our life on this earth and to live to our fullest potential, is to stay focused on the things that truly matters and to place all others in their true perspective. His Holiness described this in the following manner:

"if you focus too closely, too intensely on a problem when it occurs,
it appears uncontrollable.
But if you compare that event with some other greater event,
look at the same problem from a distance,
then it appears smaller and less overwhelming.
if there is a solution to a problem, there is no need to worry.
And if there is no solution, there is no need to worry.
Sometimes things can't be changed, wrongs can't be righted
and circumstances can't be controlled.”
Our lives will be so much more rewarding if only we succeed in heeding this single advice from this great and wise man.


“The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything;

They just make the most of everything
that comes along their way.Happiness lies for;

Those who cry, Those who hurt,Those who have searched,

And those who have tried,
for only they can appreciate the importance of people
who have touched their lives.”
Written by the American-born poet, Karen Sue Magee, this beautiful quotation touches a very sensitive vein on the true meaning of “happiness”. Too often we tend to measure our happiness on a scale of the benefits we receive or the potential rewards in store, and we forget that true happiness exists only in the eyes and mind and heart of the beholder.
The pursuit of happiness has always been one of the strongest instincts that have occupied the attention of the great majority of people throughout the ages. Aristotle, the great Greek philosopher, stated that ‘happiness is the only thing that humans desire for its own sake,” and there is no doubt it is one of the major driving forces behind the successful outcome of any endeavor or action. The founding fathers of the American Republic thought enough of its importance to include it in the declaration of independance and the ancient Buddhist religion is founded on the principle of Universal Happiness.

But happiness is not necessarily synonymous with success or achievement. Some of the happiest people to inhabit this world are people who spend their lives living and working in conditions of indescribable pain and deprivation caring for the welfare of other, less fortunate members of society. Just ask the likes of Saint Francis of Assisi, Albert Schweitzer or Blessed Teresa of Calcutta who chose to serve the neediest, most downtrodden and rejected members of society. To them and others like them, the service they render is their index of happiness.

To the rest of us, happiness is measured in simple, less complicated terms and is much more related to how we perceive our actions on others, and how others perceive them from us. It most definitely does not have much bearing on the image we project, the glory we achieve or the amount of money in the bank. These are the material things that are sought after by so many people in all walks of life, and flaunted on society as a model of happiness, when in fact they are, by and large, merely a substitute for abysmal sadness.
..........Just ask the late Amy Winehouse, Lindsay Lohan, Madonna or Bernie Madoff if they really know or appreciate the true meaning of happiness!


"The best kind of friends,

are the kind you can sit on a porch and swing with,

Never say a word,

And walk away feeling that

it was the best conversation you ever had."

......Author Unknown
One of the sad consequences of life in these days of increasing social accessibility, easy and widespread communication, exploding opportunities, via the Social Media, Alternate Sites, Clubs etc, and our falling standards and mores, is the drastic changes in the way we live and develop friendships.

Friendships today have lost the true status they once held in days gone by, when life was more predictable and commitments more meaningful. Small circles of friends are now being replaced by large numbers of acquaintances and social contacts, with whom we share information but never ourselves. The demands of modern living with its headlong pressures to achieve and to compete, to outperform and to secure, to protect and to insulate have resulted in drastic changes in how we view and maintain friendships.

True friendship like so much of the most important aspects of our lives, is learnt during the most formative period in our lives, childhood. This is time when we learn the importance of communication, the strength of emotions, the joys of expression and the pleasures of knowledge. We also learn the quality of connecting with others, and the true meaning of sharing. This can only occur as a slow nurturing of experience as we find ourselves in the unstructured setting of childhood. We acquire the art of caring and the security of trust in the same way we acquire the ability of speaking and expressing our feelings, by the slow process of trial and error. This cannot be learnt by the wholesale exposure of people and ideas that are cascading upon us by the “advances” of modern society.

The above quotation speaks to this eloquently. True friendship does not need the cacophony of the social media or the reassurance of repetition or the noise of competition to advertise its existence. Rather, it relates to the deep seated attachment and understanding between two kindred spirits that says that we are one, not by what we say or do, but merely by who we are. The simple act of sitting together without exchanging a word is as effective as if we had spent our lifetime in endless conversation. Whenever we arrive at this exalted level, we have indeed moved closer to God.

In this context, I am reminded of the words of my friend Elias Fares, who has frequently repeated an ancient Arabic quotation which translates as follows:

"You can make a thousand enemies a day;
But a true Friend will take you a thousand years to make."

Thursday, September 29, 2011

LIFE IS IN THE LIVING, (Personal comments on Life)

“We can live only in the present. We cannot live in the past,
since the past is always gone. The future has not yet come.
The present alone is given for us on a silver plate,
to act in, and to enjoy. How big is the present?
The present is a thin line where the past meets the future.”

I recently came across the above quotation by the well respected Hindu philosopher, Dr. Krishna Sadananda dealing with his views on living. In my opinion it encapsulates in a few lines, the fundamental meaning of life and of living.

Over the years a great deal of thought has been given, and much has been written about this most important topic and although there is wide variation in the details, there is almost universal agreement on its meaning and expectation. But despite this, people the world over, have continued to search for their individual answers and develop their own, personal solutions. In fact a search of the internet will reveal thousands and thousands of publications and references, each reflecting the personal views of the particular author.

A popular, and to my mind, a very commendable practice is the publication of a series of very impressive and equally relevant quotations dealing with various aspects of life and living, on an increasing number of internet sites and blogs. These have never failed to attract my attention and have served to encourage me to seek out and understand my own views on this most important subject. As a result of this exercise I have selected a few that have impressed me in one way or another and will offer a comment on each under my own heading;


"We never get what we want,

We never want what we get,

We never have what we like,

We never like what we have.

And still we live & love. That's life..."
This quotation, whose author is unknown, distils the very true impact of life as it relates to each of us. Life is not what we expect it to be, nor is it what we hope it should be, but rather it is what it is, and we must do the best we can, under the circumstances. We spend too much time in searching for the elusive “El Dorado” and lose sight of all we can do with what we have and who we are. We waste our lives chasing after dreams and goals and envying the wealth and status of others and lose sight of all the goodness and happiness that lie within our reach. All you need to do is just reach out and grasp them.
In this context, I would offer a short quotation taken from one of my earlier essays (In search of the Butterfly), which expresses my personal beliefs:

“The most exquisite Flower always grows in your own garden.
The most beautiful Rainbow is seen from your porch.
The Sun is strongest and the Moon is brightest from your window.
Your Heart’s desire is always present at your finger tips.
Seek out your wishes and they will find you.
Open your heart to Life around you,
And you will find that the Life is within you.”
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The brightest future will always be based on a forgotten past;
You can't go on well in life until
you let go of your past failures and heartaches.
…….Author Unknown

I can think of no one who is more pathetic, more frustrating, more objectionable and more dismal than someone who spends his whole life holding on to the hurts and the memories of the past. I have no doubt that anyone of us will readily identify such an individual, for they are present all around us and even within us. When this happens, we inevitably find ourselves caught in a conflict between feeling angry with them or feeling sorry for them and often end up more confused and ambivalent.
As I see it, the only purpose of revisiting the past is for the lessons that we can learn from the past. Beyond this, the past must be consigned to the place of forgotten experiences and never be allowed to color our present.
Unfortunately, far too often and for as long as man has existed, history has repeatedly confirmed that the real basis of the evils of this world seem have a direct bearing on this single fact. Wars have been fought, Communities have been destroyed, Families have been broken apart, and friendships shattered, because we have failed to learn and to practice how to forgive and forget. Even worse than this, is the fact that by not forgetting, we invariably end up cheating ourselves of all the goodness and happiness to which we are genuinely entitled.
Catherine Ponder, one of America’s foremost inspirational speakers, described the destructive effect of holding on to the past in the following terms:

“When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person,
or the condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel.

Forgiveness is the only way to dissolve that link and get free.”
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"When you were born, you were crying

And everyone around you was smiling.

Live your life so that when you die,

You are the one who is smiling,

And everyone around you is crying."

This quotation by Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great American essayist, lecturer, poet and leader of the Transcendentalist movement in the mid-19th century, has justifiably received universal acclaim as one of the most appropriate advice on living your life. Too often we forget that our journey in this world is brief and that any impact we may have achieved will be, to a large extent, dependant on how we choose to conduct our lives.
Although our introduction into the world is the result of events completely beyond our control, it is clear that once arrived, the rest of our existence should and must be a manifestation of the very best we are capable of being.
Someone once wrote that; “the only thing standing between you and a life without any regrets is you.” I believe very firmly that, irrespective of who we are or what we are, we can achieve the best we can be by being ourselves and not by trying to be like someone else. Too often we spend all our lives in wasteful pursuit of the achievements of others, “to be like Mike”, and end up living in constant regret and dissatisfaction, while ignoring the real opportunities that lie at our feet.
To me, I cannot see any difference in the joy and fulfillment experienced for a job satisfactorily completed, whether it is by an architect completing a towering structure, or a surgeon completing a life-saving procedure, or the teacher at the end of a grueling day, or the shoemaker upon completing a pair of shoes. Although they are all totally unrelated activities, they nevertheless provide the common factor of self gratification and respect to each one.
In this respect, I am reminded by two separate quotations, whose authors are unknown, that speak loudly to all of us, and which I strongly recommend should be taken to heart by every one of us:

"Live your life so that at the end of it, you will have no regrets."
“The saddest summary of life contains three descriptions:
-Could have,
-Might have,
-Should have.”
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"It's true that we don't know what we've got until it's gone,

But it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives."

This often repeated quotation, for which the author is unknown, has been translated and used the world over to illustrate and to explain the large and confusing expressions of fundamental human relationships. Its message is as genuine as it is simple.

It is a prime example of phenomenon I refer to as the paradox of living. In all aspects of our lives we are continuously confronted with situations that required us to make decisions without the benefit of complete information. We are caught in a dilemma of choosing wrongly and finding out that we lose, or hesitating to choose and also finding out we have not gained.
Whether this relates to a simple personal relationship, or to a community situation or to a national or global confrontation, the outcome, positively or negatively, is directly related to the willingness of the parties to recognize the existing paradox and to consider the resulting consequences.

Without this flexibility of attitude we are committed to continue to live under a cloud of insecurity and uncertainty, and to repeat our mistakes over and over by hesitating instead of going forward, under the influence of age-old excuse:

“We do, we’re damned,
We don’t, we’re damned”

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"Always put yourself in others' shoes.

If you feel that it hurts you,

It probably hurts the other person, too."
….Author Unknown

Many years ago I interviewed a middle-aged mother who was found guilty for the murder of her two young children by drowning, to which she freely admitted. As to be expected, there was a public outcry and condemnation of the woman and her “criminal behavior”. After a series of exhaustive interviews and psychiatric evaluations however, I came to the conclusion, and recommended, against a charge of capital crime.

There were very strong extenuating circumstances which to my mind served to render the mother’s action, though never acceptable, at least understandable. She was a victim of repeated, sustained brutal attacks by a vicious, alcoholic husband who mercilessly beat her and the children. Her action, however misguided and flawed, was motivated by her desire to save them from any further abuse. She felt that as a mother who loved her children with such intensity, she could not bear to allow them to suffer anymore.
Clearly, to the objective observer, this kind of thinking was abnormal and extreme and the mother could have used one of a variety of easily available options to get help. But the observer “never stood in her shoes” and never experienced the pain and distortion she experienced. For it is only when we take the time to appreciate the hurts and pains and suffering of our neighbors can we truly “stand” in judgment of them. And whenever we do so, we inevitably end up thanking God for sparing us from the truth contained in the statement widely attributed to the English theologian, reformer and martyr, John Bradford:

“There but for the Grace of God, go I”

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May you have;
-Enough happiness to keep you sweet;
-Enough trials to keep you strong;
-Enough sorrow to keep you human;
-Enough hope to keep you happy;
-Enough failure to keep you humble;
-Enough success to keep you eager;
-Enough friends to give you comfort;
-Enough faith and courage in yourselto banish depression;
-Enough wealth to meet your needs;
-Enough determination to make each day
a better day than yesterday.

One of the tragedies of modern society is the absurd and headlong drive to acquire more, achieve more, compete more and spend your life in the reckless, unending pursuit of success. Compounding this is the undeniable fact that our culture is obsessed with increasing demands for personal gain, self-improvement and accomplishments, completely out of proportion to our real needs or to the price we pay to achieve them.
Worse than this, is the fact that we have lost the true meaning of “enough” and seem to measure our needs not by our own yardstick but rather how it compares with the yardsticks of others. The result is a relentless demand for increasing expectations to “keep up” at all cost.

Everything in our society is designed to propagate this attitude of non-stop progress and selfishness beginning at an early age and moving forward from generation to generation. The unfortunate consequence of this attitude is that at some point we are destined to come crashing down and find that we are unable or unprepared to deal with the pain and disappointment of failure.
The above quotation, taken from an old proverb of unknown origin, is a simple but powerful reminder of what life was and ought to be. We are not destined to lead a life of relentless, non-stop drive, rather our lives are more suited to, and better sustained by, adopting a balanced and rewarding approach. We are better people, our lives are more meaningful and we are able to deal with the disappointments of life more appropriately by recognizing that we only need enough and no more.
Wayne Muller, best selling author, philanthropist, community organizer and minister, in his very excellent book entitled “A Life of Being, Having, and Doing Enough”, summarized this most beautifully, in the following manner:

“A life of enough is born in every moment

— in the way we listen, the way we respond to the world,

the way we see what is and tell the truth of who we are.

Every single choice, every single moment,

every change of course can bring us closer to a life of peace,

contentment, authenticity, and easy sufficiency,

and a life of being, having, and doing enough."

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"Though no one can go back
and make a brand new start;
Anyone can start from now
and make a brand new ending."

Written by the famous American writer and Pulitzer Prize winner, Carl Bard, this statement speaks volumes by its simple yet eloquent message. For myself, I can do no better that to repeat the words of a young Kenyan student, Susan Kanyiri Kimathi, whose message has so impressed me that I feel it is worthy of repeating in its entirety.

“If you have a chance to start all over again, would you live the life you have now or you would start a new life and do things differently?
Are you satisfied with the life you have now?
Unfortunately life does not give us second chances but we can give ourselves the second chance. We can smile even in the times of adversity, we can write our script again and again any time we do mess up.
Above all, we can talk to our inner spirit to encourage us and give us strength and comfort. Because we do know God who is always by our side, and we do deserve nothing but the best in life.”