"Only two things are infinite,
The Universe and Human Ignorance;
-and I'm not sure about the former."
The above statement was made by Albert Einstein, the great German-born, Nobel-prize winning theoretical physicist whose treatise on The Theory of General Relativity single-handedly changed the course of physics and scientific Investigation forever. In just three short lines, Einstein was able to crystallize the real paradox of Ignorance and its impact upon the human race throughout the ages.The Universe and Human Ignorance;
-and I'm not sure about the former."
Ignorance is much more than the lack of knowledge. The fundamental status of ignorance is an enduring and often serious problem which robs the mind of the ability to think rationally and come to a reasonable understanding of facts. It begins with our inability, or unwillingness, to grasp the many sides of truth in any individual situation. We tend to hold on to one or a few sides of an issue and believe that this is the full truth. This willingness to accept limited knowledge without question as equivalent to the whole truth, is the real foundation upon which Ignorance is based. This, compounded by the fact that in general, the acceptance of that view is associated with the absolute rejection or avoidance all others is indeed the Hallmark of Ignorance.
The tragedy of Ignorance is compounded by the fact that it potentially opens the door for manipulation of the individual with serious judgmental consequences, caused by the unscrupulous manipulators who are determined to achieve their plans. The intent of the individuals may well be genuine and sincere, but blinded by their own ignorance and unwilling or unable to examine their options, they become very powerful and effective tools of the manipulator. On any given day, one has only to examine the behavior of people under the influence of religious or political extremists to understand how totally unrealistic and unreasonable they become, as a result of blind ignorance. Countries have gone to war, communities have been destroyed, lasting friendships have broken apart, and families have been torn asunder because of the effects of Ignorance. All of them often taking place against a background of profound zeal and rigid commitment. The picture of Racial Profiling, with all its ugly faces, is but one example of ignorance that continues to shame our ‘enlightened’ society.
Contrary to popular impression, Ignorance is not an inherited or cultural component passed on in families from generation to generation, but rather, like its flip-side Knowledge, it is socially produced and maintained by prevailing attitudes and mores, resulting in complex negative behavior that often defy logic or reason. Extensive research in a multitude of differing settings and conditions have confirmed that the presence of ignorance and ignorant behavior was much more an index of poor education, social influences and historical exposure than of genetic transmission. Of equal import is the fact under the right circumstances, with improved education and better understanding, all of these negative, unproductive attitudes are readily reversible.
In this context it is possible to categorize the several different varieties of ignorant attitudes or behaviors on the basis of prevailing functional circumstances. These include, among others, religious, cultural, political, scientific or economic components occurring separately, or collectively, and often lumped together under the heading of social or moral decadence. One needs only to examine the appalling state of voter ignorance in the U.S. political system to recognize the dangers of ignorance. In an advanced country with extensive educational opportunities as the United States, It is frightening to witness the extent that voters are willing to accept distorted the truths to justify their position, or to reject the opposing views, even though this may lead to ultimate loss in overall quality of life. It has to be a serious indictment of large sections of the American society to be so blindly influenced by certain ‘talk show hosts’ who have no hesitation to use lies and distortions to project their views. No less dramatic, is the impact of religious attitudes as an index of ignorance as a basic cause of wars, killings, hate, and rejection among individuals and societies.
To some extent we are all subject to varying degrees of ignorance especially with regard to our innate tendency to prejudge others on the basis of our own inclination and limited knowledge of them. We are all creatures of prejudice, at the heart of which lies ignorance and fear, and unless a conscious effort is made to correct it, this becomes the “normal” human response to any form of difference in behavior or attitude with others. This is indeed man’s greatest curse, one which has been and will continue to be the greatest obstacle to achieving maturity.
Without maturity we are unable to suspend judgment until we have examined all the evidence. As a result we remain trapped in a world of ignorance and open to the influence of wicked and unscrupulous manipulators. Ignorance can only be removed by understanding, and without the right knowledge, we are committed to the prevailing state of pluralistic ignorance which conveniently shelters and protects the ignorant masses, giving rise to the existing corrosive and destructive herd mentality. This, to my mind, is the greatest crime of our society and one which continues to condemn us to live in an environment overwhelmed with pain and suffering and destruction without reason or necessity. To quote the words of an author whose name I do not know:
"Ignorance is man’s greatest mistake."
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The most violent element in society is ignorance
…..Emma Coleman
Where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise…..Thomas Gray
To be ignorant of one’s Ignorance,
is the malady of Ignorance.
……A. Bronson Alcott
Ignorance is salvageable,
but Stupidity is forever.
…..Author Unknown
It is impossible to defeat an Ignorant man in an argument.
……William G. McAdoo
The Evil that is in the world,
almost always comes from Ignorance.
…..Albert Camus
Ignorance is the mother of Admiration.
George Chapman
There will always be Ignorance,
and ignorance leads to Fear.
.......Bill Gates
Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance,
is the death of knowledge.
…..Alfred Whitehead
The pleasures of ignorance are as great, in their way,
as the pleasures of knowledge.
…….Aldous Huxley
A great deal of intelligence
can be invested in Ignorance.
……Saul Bellow
The trouble with the world is that,
the Ignorant are cocksure, and
the intelligent are full of doubt.
……..Bertrand Russell
Everyone is Ignorant,
only on different subjects.
……..Will Rogers
All you need in this life is Ignorance and confidence,
and then success is sure.
…….Mark Twain
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The most violent element in society is ignorance
…..Emma Coleman
Where ignorance is bliss,
'Tis folly to be wise…..Thomas Gray
To be ignorant of one’s Ignorance,
is the malady of Ignorance.
……A. Bronson Alcott
Ignorance is salvageable,
but Stupidity is forever.
…..Author Unknown
It is impossible to defeat an Ignorant man in an argument.
……William G. McAdoo
The Evil that is in the world,
almost always comes from Ignorance.
…..Albert Camus
Ignorance is the mother of Admiration.
George Chapman
There will always be Ignorance,
and ignorance leads to Fear.
.......Bill Gates
Not ignorance, but ignorance of ignorance,
is the death of knowledge.
…..Alfred Whitehead
The pleasures of ignorance are as great, in their way,
as the pleasures of knowledge.
…….Aldous Huxley
A great deal of intelligence
can be invested in Ignorance.
……Saul Bellow
The trouble with the world is that,
the Ignorant are cocksure, and
the intelligent are full of doubt.
……..Bertrand Russell
Everyone is Ignorant,
only on different subjects.
……..Will Rogers
All you need in this life is Ignorance and confidence,
and then success is sure.
…….Mark Twain
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